crafted by photobiz

Photography & Videography

Choose from one of our packages or we will customize your photography/videography specific for you.

Available Everyday

(Premium venues, dates & holiday rates may apply)



*All Packages Include*

Unlimited unedited high-resolution images
Copyright and Social Media releases 
Online gallery for sharing w/family and friends
All images/video delivered via digital download
50% initial pymt w/booking


Business Corporate Headshots - $75/pp

 Session time w/mobile studio

3 elements-edited high resolution images of your choice


Tier One Photo - $175


45 min session

10 elements-edited high resolution images of your choice


Tier Two Wedding/Event Photo - $375.00

2 consecutive hour of event day coverage

25 elements-edited high resolution images of your choice


Tier Three Wedding/Event Photo - $550.00

3 consecutive hours of event day coverage

50 elements-edited high resolution images of your choice


Tier Four Wedding/Event Photo - $675.00

4 consecutive hours of event day coverage

75 elements-edited high resolution images of your choice


Terrific Options Available

Add'l photo hours (10 elements-edited inc. w/ea hr) and/or photographer - $100/hr



includes finished video with custom transitions, into & closing

 Ceremony video - $175 or Ceremony & Reception bundled - $375

Events & parties - from $375

Add a photo montage or highlight reel w/song of your choice - $75


Event planning, decor, minister, DJ, flowers, cakes, party rentals, photo booth and others services available.  



Please refer to our fine print for additional information.